In ancient days, chi rho was the monogram for Chronos, the god of time. As such, the symbol has been used in hermetic alchemical texts to signify time. Later, the chi (Χ) rho (ρ) became representative of Christ, as they are the first two letters in the Greek name for Christ, Χρίστος. The chi is also the shape, and symbol, of the Roman cross. Constantine had a dream where God commanded him to have a banner consisting of the christian symbol carried into battle. The next morning Constantine saw it done, and the battle was won. A marble slab with the chi rho, and alpha and omega symbols inside a circle can be found in the Cathedral of Milan, Italy. This symbol is often associated with Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan who mentored and baptized Augustine, due to the inscription on the frame of the marble slab. 

When I think of Psalm 90 and the concept of bearing time, I find great reassurance in the fact that everything I can possibly accomplish is far more secure in His hands. I can lose the ability to breathe while thinking of the burden of numbering my days, and making each moment count. That breathe is found when I remember that my God is the creator of time, He is the Beginning and the End, and He is the eternal constant (Pi.) He bore all my sins, my weaknesses, and my imperfections on the cross. He gets the victory. Always.

The Infinite, by Jessie Boddy

Creator of Pi,

Constantly calculating

The work of your hand.

Weaving, in and out,

Folding the fabric of time.

Every strand holds true.

You produce rivers,

Meandering ratios,

Chaotic fluid.


DNA double helix,

Earth, orbiting sun.

All, held together, 

In you, secure and alive,

The infinite good.

Jessie was born in Lebanon, PA. As a child, she wanted to be an artist. As a frustrated bible college student, she turned to art as a way of processing through heavy things, and communing with God. Jessie has dabbled in experiential art, contemplative painting, and writing poetry. Jessie resides in Lebanon with her husband and three daughters.

Contact: jessieboddy [at]